Wednesday, January 28, 2015

PR Nightmare for GoDaddy Ahead

GoDaddy had a major PR backlash today based on its new SuperBowl ad. Honestly, I am so glad they are pulling this ad from airing because while the company may find it funny, I think viewers would have lost it. Which is pretty much what is happening now on social media causing them to pull it. I wonder what test groups saw this ad and thought it was a good idea to air? I know they say all press is good whether it’s bad or not but this makes me not like the company at all and want nothing to do with them. As a dog owner who has two beautiful rescue pups, this disturbs me! 

Bad choice of an ad and just created in bad taste. The Super Bowl is known for having dogs, specifically puppies, in its ads and these ads always top the charts because viewers love animals. So why they thought it would be funny to show this dog fighting to find its family after being lost, finding the family and then realizing the family sold him online……….yikes GoDaddy……I am honestly baffled by this decision to create such a disturbing ad. Yes we are all talking about the company so awareness of their brand was generated and I am sure they can rebound from the bad PR, but still, was it worth it?