Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Holiday Season: A Time To Give

This will be a short post today because I have been so swamped with school work, only two weeks to graduation! However, I wanted to write about a special cause my organization is participating in to create awareness about feeding those in the Lubbock community who are without food.
I am so blessed to have at least three meals a day and am excited to participate in the food drive here at work. What is interesting is that my organization chose to create a witty video about canned foods that really took away from the sadness associated with the feed the hungry campaign. The images on the traditional print (posters, flyers, etc.) are all more realistic showing children with empty plates. I think that both are fine and get the word-of-mouth going. I know my office will be participating by providing canned foods for those in need!  I hope that for those of you who have the opportunity to help someone this holiday season take action and make the season special for those in need.