Facebook has decided to add yet ANOTHER communication
feature specializing in yet ANOTHER technological tool. Now Facebook will allow
individuals to make calls (similar to SKYPE).
While I understand the need for a company as large and
popular as Facebook to stay ahead of the technological curve, I wonder who is
deciding the timeline for releases of new features. It seems like the site is
adding new tools weekly (probably not weekly but you get my point) making it
impossible to remember or even want to learn the new features. Also, is it
smart to become competitive with companies such as SKYPE who already offer this
tool? I don’t know about the rest of you but when I want face time or need to
call from my computer, I use Skype and not Facebook. I do this because I want
to be able to focus on my call but when I am on Facebook my feed is updating,
people are messaging me, tagging me, ads are showing up, etc. It’s almost too
much clutter sometimes for me to handle.
Facebook’s mission is to “give people the power to share and
make the world more open and connected.” At least the company can say they are
actively staying in line with the mission and goals of the organization! Don’t get
me wrong, I love Facebook and I think the company has done some innovative
technological features on their site. I just wish that the releasing of the new
tools were launched more strategically and had more promotion behind them. For
example, think about when a new Apple product releases and how excited everyone
gets over the smallest new feature in a device. Facebook should strive for that
feeling of want and need for upcoming launches of new features among its clientele!
Anyway, I am sure there will be something new released next
month and who knows just how successful this phone feature will even be. Guess
we will find out as time goes on!
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